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Recent Review

Posted on 9/19/2013

Horrible customer service, not as promised

I cannot begin to explain my disappointment with the Wittlebee service. I had so many problems with them and their customer service is horrible and after many emails, they still don't have any way to talk to a person. I ended up canceling after a few boxes because it only got worse. I received my second box at least 3 months after a huge problem with my first (which they so graciously let me return if I paid the shipping to return it). I didn't get anything that went with my style notes. I would not pick out any of these clothes and was completely dissatisfied with ANOTHER box. Honestly, Wittlebee claims to have high end clothes like Tea, but what I got in my box could have come from the clearance rack at target. I don't feel like a "stylist" read my notes at all. I am so frustrated with this entire experience. I paid to ship my first box back and it took two months to get another one. Now, I just had a second box that has cheap, awful clothes. I had a friend who recommended Wittlebee to me and I saw what she got about a year ago and those clothes were wonderful. I am so angry that this is taking my time. This was supposed to save me time, but the amount of energy I have spent on dealing with this is unbelievable. I cannot begin to comprehend how they can pass off three cheap waffle shirts, a crappy t-shirt, a cheap ugly pair of velour leggings along with a sweater that looks like no one wanted it as a box. I specifically said I didn't want white after my last box has three white items and I got another white shirt. Kids destroy white--I thought you had kids in mind? I am so let down by this experience. I am certainly going to spread the word to my friends and family not to use wittlebee and I can't imagine with this kind of inventory they will continue to thrive. I can't imagine they want to have dissatisfied customers like myself. I worked hard to communicate my preferences, but I received items that didn't match my requests, had a problem with my paused membership, had multiples of many items months in a row and incorrect sizes. I tried to complain and asked to speak with the highest level of support, but never got anywhere, so in the end, I canceled.

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0 complaints against Wittlebee closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Wittlebee is a monthly children’s clothing club that brings styles & designers right to your doorstep. Each month our members receive a box of clothes that have been selected for their child based on gender & age, also things like color preference.

Primary Contact: Customer Service
Business Started: 8/17/2012

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Gabe Harriman (Chief Technology Officer)
Sean Percival
Customer Service