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72 Argonaut
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
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(949) 305-3050

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaints and Resolutions

Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Of the complaints we have received against this company, in at least some cases, the complaint allegations are very serious.

Complainants allege, the company misrepresents success rates and earnings potential in both verbal communications and website recruitment ads. Advertisers and affiliates complain they are unable to duplicate the success rates for advertising and selling as referenced in the company's promotional literature, and complain the company fails to disclose hidden costs associated with promoting the business. Other clients who purchased leads from the company allege dissatisfaction with the quality of the leads and difficulty canceling the service.

The company responds to some complaints by agreeing to refund customers less any commissions while they were participating in the program. In other cases, the company denied refunds and referred the customer to the "terms and conditions" of their member agreement.

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Our complaint services are free and our team of expert mediators will assist in resolving complaints with businesses.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Ad Calls, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is providing advertising services.

Primary Contact: Customer Service
Business Started: 1/1/2003

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California law requires companies offering seller assisted marketing plans, (SAMP) to register with the California Attorney General as a business opportunity prusuant to the SAMP Act.. As a requirement of registration, the company must obtain a bond in an amount ranging from $50,000 to $300,000 or deposit the same amount of money into a trust account. We believe this company's offer falls under the provision on the SAMP Act. As of our last verification, on December 14, 2006, we found no record of a bond or registration with the State. To verify registration and bonding, contact the California Attorney General by calling (916) 322-3360.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company offers a home based business opportunity seeking sales recruiters and professionals to market the company's advertising services via a multi-level sales plan. The Sales Recruiter position offered by the company is advertised as a home based, no experience necessary position. The B2B Sales Professional position, also advertised as home based, requires some sales experience .

Advertising services are solicited to local businesses. As a buyer incentive, the service enables businesses to utilize and deliver global VOIP* services free to enrolled customers in exchange for their permission to receive and review advertising. The term VOIP, ( Voice Over Internet Protocol,) is a voice messaging technology that enables voice messages to be sent via the Internet, often simultaneously with data in text or other forms. The dialer can be downloaded, and instantly PC users can start calling anyone in the US and Canada at anytime on their phone, and can also call anyone in the world on their PC. The dialer also provides access to coupons and special offers from local advertisers directly from the ad viewer. There is no charge to the user for long distance or local calls.

Advertisers must agree to pay the company an initial fee of $495 and $100 per month thereafter. According to the company’s "terms and conditions," the contract must be renewed annually, one year from the date of acceptance unless earlier termination occurred. The advertiser is entitled to cancel participation in the advertising program at any time, for any reason, upon written request submitted to AdCalls Corporate headquarters. Advertisers are also encouraged to sell the marketing services to other business owners via a multi-level selling plan. The Avertiser/Business 360 compensation package features a payout of $225.00 for every $495.00 set up fee collected. Participants making 5 sales within a calendar month, will receive an extra bonus per sale. The commission structure also pays for residuals and overrides. The company's Private Label/Business 360 marketing package generates a commission of $2000.00 per sale, and requires "Agency Owner" status. Certified Training is required for marketing to major accounts , such as non-profits and major fortune 5000 companies. Commissions are paid weekly.

Read your contract very carefully before signing, since verbal and even written representations may be made in person or in other documents that are not included in the contract. Use particular caution in accepting earnings claims or potential at face value. Our experience with some seller-assisted marketing plans is that claims about the plans’ income potential, the opportunity to work from your home--part time, if you wish--and the ability to realize success with little or no experience are unfounded.

Other Considerations

Our experience with similar offers has been that earnings claims are exaggerated at best, affiliates are not paid as agreed, and in some cases the companies fail to disclose total costs involved for website development, or purchasing up-line positions. Although there are some legitimate multi-level sales companies, many such companies engage in pyramid marketing tactics. Make sure you are aware of the differences.

A legitimate multi level plan encourages successful distributors to recruit and train a sales force, but the distributor must also assume ongoing wholesaling and managing responsibilities as well as, selling to their own retail customers. Emphasis should be placed on selling the product or services offered as a means to earn money, not recruiting others. In an illegal pyramid, the recruits on the bottom level pay money to a few people at the top. They generally do not publicly advertise their offer, but instead rely on word of mouth recruitment of new affiliates. They may hold recruitment meetings where they create a frenzied and enthusiastic atmosphere, where group pressure and promises of easy money prey on people's greed and fear of missing out on a good deal. Some pyramids are easily recognizable and are as simple as a chain letter. Others are very sophisticated, and disguised to look like legitimate multi-level marketing companies to fool investors and law enforcement. As their disguise, they may take on a line of products or a service and claim to be in the business of selling to consumers. When in reality, the real money comes from recruiting and not from marketing the products. Recruits themselves run a significant risk of arrest and fines by authorities for participating or promoting such offers.

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R Calls
Adcalls, Inc.



Al Krauza (President)
Jim Ferras (CEO)
Aerielle Browning (Accountant)