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1900 West Sunset Street, Suite C
Springfield, MO 65807
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(484) 567-2422

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11 complaints closed in last 3 years.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Posted on 10/3/2023

Charged my charge card prior to billing insurance

My sister was in a Fort Worth hospital with COPD. My sister is mentally handicapped, I am her brother and her Power of Attorney. The day before her discharge Healthline Medical called and said that they had an order to deliver oxygen and wanted to deliver it to the hospital. They requested all her insurance information. They also asked for a credit card that would be used for any portion of the bill not covered under Medicare and her supplemental insurance. It is Late September; her deductible has been met for 2023. I explained that she wouldn't have a remaining balance. They insisted that this was standard procedure. I gave them a card number against my better judgment, I felt like it was necessary to get my sister home safely. Later in the day I received a call from Adapt Healthcare, completely confused me, I thought I was working with Healthline Medical. The technician said he would soon be making the delivery. The delivery was made to the hospital. Fast forward to today Oct 2,2023 I receive a charge to my charge card from Aerocare Medical, now I am more confused. After some Google research I realized Adapt Healthcare owns many Medical Supply companies. I called the number for Healthline Medical and pushed the prompt for the billing department. I spoke to Rem Mersada and Rem requested a copy of my Power of Attorney before he would speak to me about the charge that was put on my charge card. I e-mailed him the Power of Attorney and he was to call me back in an hour. I waited an hour and a half before I called back. I had to wait on hold and tell the story all over again. I was told that I would have to wait for Rem to call back. I waited another 30 minutes, and I e-mailed Rem back. Rem responded to my email and said I had caught him at lunch. When Rem called back, he said the charge on my credit card was an estimate of what my responsibility would be. I explained that there wouldn't be a patient portion, insurance would cover the cost. Rem said that my sister's deductible may not have been met. I asked Rem if a claim had been sent to Medicare or her supplement insurance and he said no. I asked how he would know her deductible status, he didn't have an answer. I knew at this point that I knew more about medical billing than he did. He said that I would get a refund if they got their money from insurance. At this point I asked Rem if he was working from a call center in the Philippines, I could just sense the difference in language and understanding. He immediately began acting like he couldn't hear me; this went on for a minute and I hung up. I called the main number and requested customer service. I asked for their physical address and was given the address of Aerocare on SE 820 in Fort Worth. I took the oxygen equipment back and told them what happened. The lady at Aerocare said that she would call and straighten things out. I told her at this point I only wanted to return the equipment. I will dispute/reverse the charges on my credit card.

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the company responded to and gave proper consideration to some complaints. However, most complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

11 complaints against AdaptHealth closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
5 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
4 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
2 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is a full service home medical equipment company.

Primary Contact: Kayla Zimmerman (Resolutions Associate)
Business Started: N/A

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