195 inquiries | Cosmetics Retail By Mail
(800) 390-3994
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Complainants allege a variety of billing and shipping related problems. Some customers complain they pay extra for next day shipping, however, orders arrive late, incomplete, or in some cases not at all. Other complainants allege the company fails to issue refunds in a timely manner for returned merchandise. Most complainants reportedly experience difficulty contacting the company to arrange returns or inquire on the status of deliveries or refunds.The company responds to most complaints by sending products, issuing refunds, or by explaining their refund process takes an average of 4 to 6 weeks.
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This company's business is the sale of cosmetics.
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The Federal Trade Commission's Mail Order Rule allows the seller 30 days to ship ordered products to the buyer unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase. If the seller cannot ship within the 30 day period, they are required to notify the buyer in writing of the delay, and give the option of waiting, or having their money returned within seven days. Credit card payments must be credited within one billing cycle.The Federal Trade Commission's Mail Order Rule allows the seller 30 days to ship ordered products to the buyer unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase. If the seller cannot ship within the 30 day period, they are required to notify the buyer in writing of the delay, and give the option of waiting, or having their money returned within seven days. Credit card payments must be credited within one billing cycle.Merchants who violate the Rule can be sued by the FTC for injunctive relief, monetary civil penalties of up to $11,000 per violation (any time during the five years preceding the filing of the complaint), and consumer redress (any time during the three years preceding the filing of the complaint). When the mails are involved, the Postal Service also has authority to take action for problems such as non-delivery. State law enforcement agencies can take action for violating state consumer protection laws
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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