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All Star Ford

  291 inquiries |
New Car Dealers

3800 Century Way
Pittsburg, CA 94565
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(888) 685-2852

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Recent Review

Posted on 5/22/2018

This is my summery of my experience with All Star Ford in. pittsburg calify

They lured me in by calling me and saying they were going to offer me a special program because I bought a car from Kia Manteca Ford Focus 2013 come to find out the car has had problems with the transmission has to be rebuilt every 30000 miles so I had the car for a week they told me to take it to the Ford dealership in Pittsburg they checked out my car and they said there's nothing wrong with it it's just going to sound like that the dealer should have told you that it has had a recall on the transmission when you bought it so here I was stuck with this car that evening I get a call from the All Star Ford saying that they're going to offer me a special program they would like to buy back my car from me pay it off and put me in a brand new 2018 car for the same car payment monthly that I was paying all lies they made it sound like they wanted to make it right because of their faulty car and that we were family and that they had my back well they only paid Blue Book for the Ford Focus and added it on to my bill to the new car that they put me in with a $500 monthly payment and the Ford Escape was having a special and in the newspaper it was $17,000 they ended up charging me 23 not giving me the sell price they told me that I can refinance and 7 months and it would be okay I could do this while I go home and I'm thinking to myself this is not right the next morning I woke up went there and was crying saying that I can't afford this this is impossible for me to afford and they still were not listening to me they wouldn't take it back they told me to take it home I don't have a car payment for 3 months just enjoy the car and they're actually rude and mean so here I am stuck with this brand new car I don't even want and the car payment of $500 then come to find out that when I was going over the paperwork cuz they never went over the paperwork with me at all when I was signing they just kept saying we're family and I didn't feel I needed to go over the paperwork because they had me totally trusting them one more thing I wanted to add was when I was signing they said well you need to go to kia and get your $1,800 back from your warranty on the Ford Focus because by law they have to give it to you he said anyways I come home and I'm so upset that I called the Better Business Bureau and made a complaint meantime I get a letter in the mail from Kenny the financial guy at All Star Ford saying that he's never received a check from me yet but and that they were going to come and get the car they were canceling my contract so that means that they would have to give me back my Ford Focus and scratch everything not 2 hours later he calls me and tells me to ignore that letter keep the car enjoy it that the banks are working with him they don't need that extra money then I get my bill in the mail for $519 a month beginning in August still waiting to hear a response from them be careful if you're going to go there and shop for a car because they're tricksters

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0 complaints against All Star Ford closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is a new and used car dealership.

Primary Contact: Brian Nokes (Owner)
Business Started: N/A

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