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Association for Lifestyle Reform

  221 inquiries |
Discount Health Care Plans

P.O. Box 1779
Chino Hills, CA 91709
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(877) 378-9240

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Most complainants allege false advertising, misrepresentation by salespersons, unauthorized credit card charges, and difficulties with canceling and obtaining refunds. Some customers complain they purchased the membership service based on their belief they were buying health insurance. Other customers allege that the plan is not widely accepted by doctors, pharmacies, and other businesses as represented. A few customers report that doctors in the company's own directories would not honor the membership agreement. Others complain the company fails to acknowledge cancellation requests, and continues charging or debiting accounts despite repeated attempts to cancel by fax or by phone.

The company responds to most complaints by advising that allegations of misrepresentation by independent marketing agents used to solicit their plan would be investigated, and in most cases, refunds were issued. Other complaints are addressed by providing explanations of cancellation and refund policies, by agreeing to cancel accounts, and apologizing for customer service deficiencies.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Association for Lifestyle Reform closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is offering discount health care plans.

Primary Contact: Brad Wessler (Owner)
Business Started: 8/26/2008

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As of our last verification on May 7, 2009 this company is not licensed with the Department of Managed Health Care to provide Discount Health Care Plans. To contact the Depatrment of Managed Health Care you may visit their website at, or call 1-888-466-2219.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company sells a discount membership club offering discounts on such as eyeglasses, legal services, travel services, supplemental health plans, and medicines.

Many companies are selling so-called discount health cards to consumers seeking affordable healthcare. Usually for a monthly fee, the cards claim to save subscribers money by offering discounts on physician visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, dental work, eye care and other treatment. Discount health cards also can be confusing, because they are not insurance. You still must pay the medical bills yourself. These cards simply offer lower prices to members who use participating service providers that accept the discounts.

Some health discount plans are deceptively advertised to make it seem they’re selling real insurance, making grossly inflated promises about savings and benefits, costing far more money than they’re worth. Since discount cards aren’t insurance, there may be fewer consumer protections because your state insurance department may not regulate them, and salespersons may not need a license or a background in healthcare.

The BBB routinely advises those considering purchasing healthcare coverage to investigate the company and its claims before making a buying decision, or cancelling your current plan. If you give up your current health coverage, mistakenly believing you found a better insurance deal, you could find yourself with no coverage. The promised discounts may not exist, or may be exaggerated. In the end, you may have to pay more money than you thought. Your health care may be compromised. The medical providers and treatments the cards promise you may not exist. Some health discount providers may sell you little more than access to a large mailing list of medical providers that it purchased commercially. Providers don’t always know they’re even listed, and thus may not give you promised discounts. Provider lists even could have outdated and useless names. Don’t assume you’re getting access to a large provider network just because your discount card displays the network’s name and logo. If you plan to use a specific listed doctor, call them, and ask if they participate or if they will honor the discount plan. Watch out for hidden fees which might be associated with the plan. Be wary if company personnel or other sales persons seem evasive, ill-informed or are reluctant to provide you detailed material about the card. Ask specific questions, and demand specific answers. Avoid giving your credit card and checking account numbers to strangers selling discount cards over the phone or the Internet. Fees for the card might be charged to your credit card even if you don’t sign up.

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Tara R. Fisher (Manager/Claims and Benefit Management)

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