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Century High School

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902 22nd Street
Santa Monica, CA 90403
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(310) 586-1711

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8 complaints closed in last 3 years.

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Complainants allege that high school diplomas or GED's awarded by the school are not accredited and are of little or no value to the student. Students complain the company fails to disclose that the diploma is not recognized by higher learning institutions and is not verifiable by potential employers. ~~The company responds in some cases by issuing refunds however allegations with concern to lack of accreditation or validation issues are generally not addressed. One complainant disputed that a refund was actually received.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

8 complaints against Century High School closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
8 Unanswered

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Other Information

Company Info

Century High School has been in business since 2002, providing an academic-accelerated high school program services.

Primary Contact: Jinx Kennedy (Owner)
Business Started: 4/1/2002

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As of our last verification on July 1 2008 this company was not accredited as a private school through the Western Accreditation for Schools and Colleges (WASC.) Although accreditation is voluntary private schools that are not registered may not misrepresent the value or worth of diplomas offered. They are also required to disclose to prospective students the fact that they are not accredited either verbally or in written form..

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Government Actions

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Comments and Analysis

These pay per degree institutions are sometimes called Diploma Mills. Diploma mills are schools that are more interested in taking your money than providing you with a quality education Diploma mills require little if any academic work in order to earn a degree. Degrees from diploma mills are sometimes based on life experience alone or a level of academic work that is far below what an accredited postsecondary institution would require however the result is a degree that is meaningless and has no value They operate without supervision of a state or professional agency and grant diplomas which are fraudulent or because of the lack of proper standards worthless. Some dishonest consumers may knowingly seek the services of a diploma mill for the express purpose of obtaining a fraudulent degree to be used for the purpose of meeting educational requirements of an employer when seeking employment or to validate identity theft. ~~Diploma mills often claim accreditation by a fake accrediting agency to attract more students to their degree programs and make them seem more legitimate. The fake accrediting agency is just for show and offers it’s accreditation for a fee without an in-depth review of the school’s programs or teachers. They are not concerned with the quality of education provided to students. In California the Department of Education accredits neither public or private schools. For private schools accreditation is voluntary. In some states it can be illegal to use a degree from an institution that is not accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency. Remember it isn't enough to know that an institution is accredited; you need to find out as much as you can about the accrediting agency. Your efforts will be worth your time and energy. Because diploma mills aren't accredited by a nationally recognized agency you will not find the institution's accrediting agency on the U.S. Department of Education's List of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's (CHEA) List of Participating and Recognized Organizations

Other Considerations

School accreditation in the United States is a voluntary non-governmental process in which an institution and its programs are evaluated against standards for measuring quality.~The Secretary of Education through the U.S. Department of Education recognizes select accrediting agencies. Accreditation by a recognized accrediting agency is part of the requirements for institutions to participate in federal student aid programs. The Secretary and the Department are not responsible for accrediting institutions. Accrediting agencies accredit institutions and programs. Accrediting agencies may voluntarily seek recognition from the Secretary only if the schools and institutions the agency accredits need the Secretary's recognition in order to participate in some federal program such as the federal student financial aid programs.~~Accrediting agencies recognized by the Secretary meet certain criteria the institutions accredited by those agencies meet standards that address the quality of an institution and its programs. An accrediting agency that meets the Department's criteria for recognition is determined to be a reliable authority in measuring the quality of education or training provided by the institutions it accredits in the United States and its territories. Agencies that meet these criteria are placed on the Department's Education's List of Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's (CHEA) List of Participating and Recognized Organizations.

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