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16032 Sherman Way #253
Van Nuys, CA 91406
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(866) 265-5825

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege deceptive sales practices. Customers complain that company representatives make sales calls misrepresenting their identity to be that of the complainants regular supplier. Complainants report the caller claims to be making a courtesy call to advise them to order before the price increase must be applied to their purchase. Those who ordered toner report that upon arrival they discover that the toner is an off brand, the company they purchased from is not their regular supplier, and the price of the product by far exceeds the price they pay their regular supplier.

The company responds to some complaints by agreeing to retrieve unwanted shipments, and zeroing account balances.[

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Digital Supplies, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is the sale of Toner cartridges by telemarketers.

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Business Started: N/A

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On July 27, 2006, we verified this company is not registered with the California Attorney General as a Telephonic Seller. Telephonic sellers are required by law to maintain a $100,000 bond and register with the Attorney General. Unregistered sellers may not solicit in California if their business or prospective purchasers are located in this state. To obtain registration information or file a complaint write to: Office of the Attorney General, Public Inquiry Unit, P.O. Box 944255, Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 or call, (800) 952-5225.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

When solicited by telemarketers offering business supplies, we urge extreme caution. Complaints against this type of company generally allege that telemarketers mislead customers in believing they are the regular supplier, misrepresent product offers, ship unauthorized orders, or charge exorbitant fees for supplies. Request that the caller send a catalog or brochure describing the items and its prices. To minimize misunderstandings, designate one employee to whom all calls regarding office supplies must be directed. If unordered merchandise arrives, immediately write to advise the company of your intent to keep the shipment as a free gift unless pick up is arranged within a reasonable amount of time. Send your letter by certified mail to obtain proof of receipt.

Buy from people you know and trust. Authorized employees should be skeptical of "cold" or unsolicited calls and feel comfortable saying "no" to high pressure sales tactics. Legitimate companies don’t pressure you to make a snap decision. Finally, consider asking new suppliers to send a catalog first.

Other Considerations

If you receive supplies or bills for services you didn’t order, don’t pay, and don’t return the unordered merchandise. You may treat unordered merchandise as a gift. By law, it’s illegal for a seller to send you bills or dunning notices for unordered merchandise, or ask you to return it — even if the seller offers to pay for shipping. Further, if the seller sends you items that differ from your order in brand name, type, quantity, size, or quality — without your prior express agreement — you may treat the substitutions as unordered merchandise. Unordered services are treated the same way. However, first consider the possibility that the seller made an honest mistake.

federal laws make it illegal for companies to mail unordered merchandise to consumers and then demand they pay for it. If you receive an item you did not order, in most cases you have a legal right to keep the shipment as a free gift.

While the law does not require it, it's a good idea to send the company a letter that says you plan to keep the shipment as a free gift. This letter may help the mistake, or it may encourage it from sending you more bills. You might want to send this letter by certified mail and keep the return receipt. Also keep a copy of the letter.

If you received unordered merchandise that appears to be the result of an honest shipping error, write the company and offer to return the merchandise if the company will pay for the postage and handling. Give the company 30 days to respond. Add that if the company does not act in the time period, you will keep the merchandise.

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