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Direct Satellite Network Solutions

  75 inquiries |
Cable Television and Satellite Services |   Business Alert

135 Columbia, Suite 100
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
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(800) 615-1621

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaints and Resolutions

Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Customers generally allege that the company offered a promotion of a free DVD player or home theater systems but failed to provide it. Some complain that they contacted the company about the offer on multiple occasions only to be promised some future delivery that never materialized. Some complainants allege receipt of unsolicited pre-recorded telemarketing calls offering satellite TV service and that they continue to receive telemarketing calls even though they follow the company's instructions for removing their phone numbers from the call list. Others state that the company has failed to honor its lifetime warranty for the remotes and receivers it sold.~~The company responds to some complaints by stating that the Home Theatre System is not in stock and does not provide any further explanation. To complaints of telemarketing issues by stating they have placed the customer on their Do Not Call list or explaining that there are other companies performing telemarketing services on their behalf and these companies have been notified. The company further explains that their Do Not Call list is updated quarterly which is why some consumers receive more than one call in a three month period. In a few cases the company issues refunds or rebates sends DVD players or home theater systems or explaining that restocking fees and refund policies are clearly written on their invoices.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Direct Satellite Network Solutions closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is providing dish networking services.

Primary Contact: Mark Shaw (Contact)
Business Started: 7/1/2001

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

On March 9 2004 we verified that this company is not registered with the California Attorney General as a Telephonic Seller. Telephonic sellers are required by law to maintain a $100 000 bond and register with the Attorney General. Unregistered sellers may not solicit in California if their business or prospective purchasers are located in this state. To obtain registration information or file a complaint write to: Office of the Attorney General Public Inquiry Unit P.O. Box 944255 Sacramento CA 94244-2550 or call (800) 952-5225.

Other Considerations

Mail sent to this company was returned by the post office as "moved; left no forward address," "forward order has expired," or "unable to locate." We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

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Dish T.V.
Satellite Systems Network, LLC

There are no additional web sites.


Ali Tehrauchi (President)
Laryssa King (Contact)