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Elegant Entertainment

  220 inquiries |
Entertainment Services |   Business Alert

P.O. Box 661032
Los Angeles, CA 90066
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(310) 495-0800

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege unfullfilled contracts, and failure provide and deliver videography, or photography services as agreed. Customers complain of extended delays with receiving wedding videos or photos. Most complainants report no videos have been received, and they are unable to contact the company to inquire on the delivery, or request a refund..

The company responded in a few cases by giiving a projected delivery date. Most complainants are seeking refunds.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Elegant Entertainment closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business is providing DJ and video services.

Primary Contact: Joe Perez (Owner)
Business Started: 8/13/2002

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company offers DJ services, videography, photography, and wedding planning services. Consumers should be aware, that all deposits paid in advance are generally non-refundable. When planning a wedding or other memorable event decide exactly what style of event you want (for example, big or small, formal or informal, winter or summer) and begin planning as far ahead as possible. A big wedding can take months to plan. Many books and magazines are available that offer ideas as well as checklists and timetables.

Make sure and research businesses you are considering working with. Ask for references, talk to other couples to learn about their experiences. Since many services and merchandise must be purchased or ordered months in advance, you want to deal with well-established and financially stable businesses that will still be around when your wedding day approaches. Don't just hire the least expensive company.

Review samples of the service provider's work before booking. For example, attend performances of the band or DJ at another event. Look at photo albums or videotapes done for other couples. Get descriptions of or try to sample menu items and checkout samples of flower arrangements.

Obtain a written contract for everything. The various contracts should delineate exactly what is included and not included in the price. For example, will the caterer or reception hall provide dinnerware, linens, chairs, and tables? Does the price of the photos include engagement pictures, an album, or proofs? Are the names of band members and song lists included in the entertainment contract? Does the contract from the florist include delivery and set up times? Be particularly clear about the policies and penalties for canceling or changing your plans. Also find out if the business might make substitutions for what you requested. Finally, confirm all services one or two weeks prior to the event. You don't want any unpleasant surprises on your wedding day.

Other Considerations

The BBB suggests when choosing a photographer, ask for recommendations from family, friends and co-workers. Schedule interviews with two or three to get a feel for the types of services they offer, the quality of their work and related fees. Ask the photographer if he/she is the one who will be photographing your wedding. If so, that should be stated in the contract. If not, request to meet personally with the photographer who will be shooting your wedding and review photos from several events before making a decision. The price should not be the only determining factor, but you should know what fees you will be charged for what services.

Find out if the photographer works with an assistant? If so, is that included in the fee? Ask for references and talk to previous clients. A photographer who is reluctant to provide references is of questionable quality. Ask if the photo package is fixed or customized? How many photos are included and what about reprints, enlargements and albums? Find out about the time frame for delivery of proofs and other products, and the payment schedule. If a deposit is required; find out how much, by when, and if it is refundable. Obtain a written contract that details every service to be provided and the name of the photographer who will shoot your event; the location, date and time length of all events; the type of package; a list of guaranteed prices for enlargements and any additional charges, like taxes or travel fees. The contract should also specify what happens if your photographer doesn’t show up, as well as the cancellation/refund policy.

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Los Angeles DJ, Elegant Entertainment

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Joe Tejeda (Administator)
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