236 inquiries | Fire Damage Restoration Services
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Incompetent.. Negligent. Unqualified.
This company is despicable! Turn away and run fast! If your plumber insists you call them for any water damage, GET ANOTHER PLUMBER! Look on Yelp for reviews, and don't forget to look at the hidden ones as well! They are certified by themselves (cert # 001)! Ask for their insurance and VERIFY with the insurance company personally that it will cover what they are doing!
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Most complainants allege the company misrepresented that the customer’s homeowner insurance would cover the cost of their service or that the cost would be no more than the insurance company would pay. Some complainants state they are pressured into signing a contract due to the dangers of mold. A few complainants said that the quality of work was poor or that they did not perform according to their agreement or sustained damage to their homes while the services are being provided.~ ~The company responds to misrepresentations by stating they do not guarantee or assure insurance coverage. In addition that customer’s are aware of all services and charges prior to the beginning of work and are educated of all necessary services in order to bring the home to a safe and healthy environment. The company responds to damage complaints by stating the damage caused is incidental and is not their responsibility.
Our complaint services are free and our team of expert mediators will assist in resolving complaints with businesses.
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Company Info
Emergency Service Restoration, Inc. provides Water Damage Clean Up and Restoration Services.
Interested in Emergency Service Restoration, Inc.? Contact them directly!
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