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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Most complainants allege unauthorized credit card charges or difficulty cancelling memberships. Some customers complain that after they agree to a trial offer offered through the various websites find additional charges are made to their credit cards for monthly membership that they were not aware of. Other customers complain they are unaware of how the company obtained their credit card number. ~~The company responds to most complaints by explaining that customers are given information regarding the memberships and recurring charges both before and after the membership is purchased. They also contend that Epoch does not own or is not associated with the websites and denies responsibility. Additionally the customer can call a toll free number to cancel if the automatically generated cancellation confirmation email is not received. The company responds to some complaints by issuing credits and refunds. To a few complaints the company explains they are unable to contact the customer and request either a member ID email address username or the credit card number or they deny refunds based on identity theft. Others are advised that the charges in question are considered valid and that law enforcement investigations would determine the origination of the order authorization.
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Company Info
Epoch is an Internet Payment Service Provider (IPSP) that enables merchants to accept payments online. Epoch has over 10 years of online processing experience and is the only IPSP to offer 24/7/365 customer support via live chat, phone, & email.
Interested in Epoch.com, LLC? Contact them directly!
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
Before deciding to make a purchase with any Internet offer read the terms and conditions and any fine print related to the offer. Verify the cancellation and refund procedures. If you are responding to an offer for a free trial make sure the proper selection is noted on your order form to eliminate the possibility of recurring monthly charges or any future obligations.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
Websites:There are no additional web sites.
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