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Fire Protection Systems Inspection Co.

  240 inquiries |
Fire Protection Equipment and Supplies

P.O. Box 3658
Cerritos, CA 90703-3658
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(800) 479-2330

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege the company uses misleading high pressure tactics invoice businesses for unauthorized services. Specifically business owners report that company representatives arrive unannounced identifying themselves as fire officials by statement or implication and request to inspect their fire extinguishers and fire equipment. Some complainants allege they are told there is no charge for the inspection. Reportedly after a 5 to 10 minute inspection they ask for a signature to verify that the inspection had been completed. Business owners report within a few weeks they begin to receive invoices by mail charging extremely high rates for inspection services that were never ordered or actually authorized. In some cases complainants allege the company uses or imply threats in the form of fines if inspections are refused. Complainants further allege it is difficult to reach the company to inquire about the billing and request the invoice be cancelled. Many complainants allege they believed the company was associated with their local fire department or had authorization to provide services from one of their branch locations. Others allege the invoices sent had been imposed with photocopied signatures of unauthorized employees.~~The company responded to some complaints by agreeing to zero existing invoices and cease all solicitations for service at the complainant's business location. The company generally denied allegations of misrepresentation or other deceptive practices stating that an employee at the business is required to sign a pre-authorization form which states they are a fire protection company and do not represent any fire department insurance company or any governmental agency.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Fire Protection Systems Inspection Co. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Company provides fire protection and inspection maintenance services.

Primary Contact: George Estrada (Owner)
Business Started: 1/10/2002

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On January 20 2009 our office verified with our local Fire Marshall’s office that neither the Fire Department nor the Fire Marshall’s office inspects fire extinguishers and inspections are not contracted to private industries. Businesses are responsible for maintaining their own fire extinguishers and equipment. Additionally Fire extinguishers are required to have a maintenance inspection conducted annually. Kitchen hood and duct systems are required to be serviced every six months and fire sprinkler systems are required to be serviced every five years.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company’s representatives make unannounced service calls to area businesses dressed in uniforms which resemble local fire official’s uniforms and implying they have been sent by the Fire Department. They ask to inspect the company’s fire extinguishers and fire safety equipment. After a short inspection they ask for a signature on a form to verify that they have inspected the equipment and then leave. Within a short period of time invoices are sent out by mail billing the businesses for the inspection services. ~~We urge caution. Businesses across the nation should caution their employees to be on alert for anyone coming to their offices shops stores or restaurants to service their fire extinguishers to perform service on the hood and duct systems over cooking areas or to conduct maintenance on automatic sprinkler systems. We have received reports of fraudulent promoters engaging in high pressure deceptive sales methods to convince business owners to use their service. Be wary of unfamiliar personnel wearing uniforms with patches similar to those worn by fire department staff giving the impression that they are from the fire department. Many are said to claim they are authorized to do an inspection of the fire protection systems and make subsequent repairs. Others might state that they are there to service fire extinguishers or hood and duct systems prior to the date those devices are to be serviced or that have previously been serviced by another company. Our experience with similar offers has been that the “inspector” will only make a brief examination put a sticker on the fire extinguisher and then send business owners a bill ranging from $500 to $1 500 for multiple inspections. Any one contacted or approached by these companies should refuse to do business with them and notify their local police department. Businesses also have the right to dispute any bills for work they did not authorize or that was performed under false pretenses.

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Fire Systems Inspections of U.S.A.
Orco Fire Protection & Fire Protection Safety Services
Fire Systems Inspections of USA

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Ruben Gamboa (Owner)
Cindy Gamboa (Office Manager)
Eva Valdez (Office Manager)
Michelle Stevens (Accounts Receivable Dept.)
Alfred Ritter (CEO)

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