140 inquiries | Talent Agencies and Casting Directors
(949) 999-2040
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
One complaint alleges doing a photo shoot at what was represented as a mansion, which turned out to be an old house and has yet received their promised photos or the job despite paying $600. Another complainant alleges the company never provided the details regarding the photo shoot and denied a refund request, only offering to reschedule the photo shoot. The company responds to one complaint by stating the customer did attend the photo shoot, and recieved all of the images, but never paid for the photos. The company responds to the other complaint by stating they paid $695 for her shoot that she did not show up for, so she still owes money for the photo shoot and by offering to reschedule the photo shoot.
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Company Info
This company offers oan online talent database/search engine used by Casting Directors, Agents and other industry professionals to find actors, models, singers, dancers and al lother types of talent for projects they are casting.
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California law requires any company that procures or offers to procure employment or auditions, post a $10,000 bond and register as a talent agent. A talent agent may not charge a registration fee and any fee collected for incidental expenses, must be refunded to the talent upon demand should employment not be obtained. To obtain bonding information, write to the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, Department of Industrial Relations, Legal Section, at P.O. Box 420603, San Francisco, CA 94142 or call (415) 703-4846 or by email to [email protected] The website address is http://www.dir.ca.gov/databases/dlselr/Talag.html For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry. As of April 25, 2006 we could find no evidence of registration at www.dir.ca.gov.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
Websites:There are no additional web sites.
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