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Medaesthetica Medical Group, Inc.

  198 inquiries |
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6320 Canoga Avenue, 13th Floor
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
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(888) 411-8838

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Some complainants allege false advertising, severe side effects from treatment, failure to honor their guarantee, and inability to cancel services. Other customers complain that the company fails to disclose terms and conditions of financed accounts. Others allege they believed they had a credit line, and were not aware that the entire amount of the credit line had been prepaid to the company in advance of treatments. Customers with financed accounts find that upon cancelling, the finance company continues billing them for services that they have not received. Several complainants report they experienced side effects ranging from severe vomiting and diahearra to lumps forming under their skin. Most complainants request refunds.

The company responds to some complaints concerning side effects from treatments by claiming that customers agreed in advance to accept the possibility of side effects, or that customers exaggerated the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, the company does issue partial refunds for unused services, or offers to perform other unrelated services in leiu of the refund amount.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Medaesthetica Medical Group, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is providing lipo zap, a combination of the two medical treatments for the non-surgical reduction of fat bulges.

Primary Contact: Kent Takemoto (Customer Care Specialist)
Business Started: 1/4/2006

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company sells LipoZap treatments that are marketed as a body fat reduction treatment. LipoZap treatment combines fat-dissolving injections like Lipodissolve with massage, infared heat, and radiofrequency wave therapy to allegedly break down fat cells. Services are billed in advance. Customers who finance their treatments may encounter difficulties when electing to cancel services.

Read and understand all contract terms and conditions, paying special attention to cancellation and refund policies. You also may be able to cancel a contract if your consent to it was obtained by the seller's fraud, high pressure tactics, or misrepresentation. Another reason might be if the product purchased fails through no fault of yours. If your consent to the contract was induced by the seller's fraud, or was given by mistake, under duress, menace or undue influence, you can also elect to rescind the contract. The buyer also has a right to rescind a contract when the contract is unlawful for causes which do not appear in its terms or conditions. The provisions on rescission, also apply when the right to rescind is conferred under another statute, the California Unconscionability Law. A court has the power to refuse to enforce a contract or a clause in a contract that is deemed unconscionable.

It is very important that when choosing a lipodissove or mesotherapy doctor that you choose a practitioner that has been trained and licensed in this area. Always choose a health practitioner that has the proper credentials for the procedure you are interested in and make sure they are licensed to practice in your state. Ask to review the doctors credentials and experience. Ask about the ingredients they are using and how much will be used, and the possible risks or complications that could arise. Look at before and after photos of patients who have received the procedure.

The BBB routinely advises consulting your doctor before starting any weight-loss regimen or treatment. Many clinics make claims concerning the safety or effectiveness of the products they promote that appear to be based on science or medical studies. In most cases, claims made in weight loss ads are actually exploitations of popular misconceptions about your health, cleverly used to maximize profits for the promoter.

A healthy dose of skepticism and a little investigating can help you avoid wasting money or jeopardizing your health on fad treatments or weight loss procedures.. To avoid losing money on unproven remedies, watch out for promises of "quick and painless" results. Be skeptical of testimonials reporting incredible weight loss results from "satisfied users," especially if no substantive medical support for the claim is offered.

Other Considerations

Our files show disconnected phone numbers, returned mail or both. The company appears to be out of business. We cannot trace addresses of companies or principals. General information is available upon request which may assist you.

Health professionals or consumers should report serious adverse reactions or other problems related to equipment or medications used for liposuction through the FDA's MedWatch Program (

The Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 requires hospitals and other user facilities to report deaths, serious illness and injuries associated with the use of medical devices. Questions about mandatory reporting can be answered by the
Division of Surveillance Systems, Reporting Systems Branch, by phone on 240-276-3000, or write to

Reporting Systems Monitoring Branch
1350 Piccard Drive HFZ-533
Rockville, MD 20850

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