321 inquiries | Attorneys
(310) 246-0321
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Complainants allege unfulfilled contracts, excessive time periods for providing services, inability to reach the company, and difficulties obtaining refunds in connection with loan modification services. Some customers complain that several months have passed since they paid the company, but still no agreement was negotiated with their lenders. A few complainants allege that the company closed its website and moved without notifying customers who had loan modifications in process, or that the company charged or attempted to charge upfront fees for loan modification services in violation of State law. Most complainants request refunds.The company responded to one complaint by denying refund requests and advising the complainant that their services were still in process. Many complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.
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This company's business is providing loan modification and other legal services.
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California State Bar
Verified License
License Number: 77556 Status: Active
To practice law in the State of Calfiornia, attorneys are required to be admitted and active with the State Bar of California.. For the most up-to-date information on licensing status, contact the State Bar of California at (415) 538-2000, or visit their website at: www.calbar.ca.gov.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
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