201 inquiries | Bonds Surety Fidelity
(714) 441-0432
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Complaints for this company contain a pattern of allegations that the company fails to return bond deposits, imposes excessive waiting periods, or fails to communicate procedures required to obtain refunds of bond deposits. Clients complain after notifying the company of cancellation, they are given the run around, and the company fails to return their money within 60 days per their contractual agreement. Some complainants report the company attempts to retain their funds by deducting previously undisclosed fees or charges. Others report excessive waiting periods of a year or longer and still have not received their refunds. The company responded to some complaints by advising the complainants that they had failed to adhere to proper cancellation procedures, or send required cancellation forms. In a few cases complainants were advised that refunds had been issued, or were in process. Some complaints are unresolved meaning the company failed to properly address the complaint allegations or their response was inadequate.
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Company Info
This company's business is providing insurance bonds for transportation companies.
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California Department of Business Oversight
Verified License
License Number: 6037624 Status: Not Found
California law requires any person or company who engages in the business of loans to be licensed by the California Department of Corporations (DOC) with a Consumer Finance Lenders License, or the Department of Real Estate (DRE) with a brokers license. As of our last verification, on December 19, 2007, the company's CFL license # 6037624 was no longer valid. Prior to using the services of a broker or lender, make sure they are properly licensed with the California Department of Corporations, (DOC), and/or the California Department of Real Estate, (DRE). You can reach the DOC by phone at 213-576-6201, or visit their website at www.corp.ca.gov. The DRE can be contacted by phone at 213-620-2072, or their website address is www2.dre.ca.gov.
BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.
We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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Websites:There are no additional web sites.
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