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Platinum Consulting

  240 inquiries |
Rental Vacancy Listing Service

8930 East Mission Drive Suite 104
Rosemead, CA 91770
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(626) 291-2144


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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 1/17/2018


ZERO STARS !!! Me and My Husband came here October 14, 2017 we were desperate to look for and find a new home we were staying at a motel well rushing to find a new route over our heads so upon looking at craigslist ads we found a good deal for an apartment building so we called the phone number and Bernard told us to go down there and they can definitely help us out it didn't matter if we had a good credit or not to just show up and bring $200 with you. When I asked him about bringing the $200 he told me don't worry it's refundable so of course upon hearing that we showed up almost at closing time. Bernard told us that if we didn't find anything within three months of using their service that we could be entitled to a partial refund. So we signed their contract hoping they can help us faster than our other agent we had. So later that evening my agent calls and says we got approved for a place. So now we won't be needing platinum service after all so we showed up the next business day to claim our money back since we were not going to use their service. We were told we had to wait THREE months until the contract expired and then 10 days for a money order to be mailed. So now 3 months later , I call the place after reading some horrible reviews on google and yelp almost every person is saying the same thing and their stories are all similar. So I called and spoke to Natalie Rodriguez to make sure OUR refund was processing correctly and we wouldn't have the same issues as all the yelpers and googlers, and sure enough she started talking about how they need my lease and my bills (ok whatever) but then she said we aren't eligible for a refund because we don't have "24 updates" I told her we NEVER used the services and that SHE TOLD US THREE MONTHS AGO THAT WE JUST HAD TO WAIT FOR OUR REFUND IN THREE MONTHS AND TEN MAILING DAYS! Now she's saying we aren't eligible????!!! Now I'm at a loss for $400 because the $200 we gave them was part of the money we had saved up from our deposit. And we had to replace and now they won't give us our money back!!! Just like everybody else has been saying. They have been sued like 6 times already! How can they continue to be allowed to run "business" like this !! I am very upset and dissatisfied with this "service" . If you are reading this, SAVE YOURSELVES, DON'T GO HERE !!

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Complaints and Resolutions

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege misrepresentation of services unfulfilled contracts and inability to obtain refunds. Customers complain that rental lists provided contained fictitious listings homes that are not available and others that don't meet the criteria of the complainants. Complainants further allege they were ineligible for refunds unless they had not followed the company's mindless policy of picking up a new list of properties every week for 90 days.~~The company responded to one complaint by claiming the customer failed to provide them with information concerning his current residence which was necessary to obtain his credit report. All others are unanswered.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Platinum Consulting closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

This company's business providing rental listing services.

Primary Contact: Support
Business Started: 10/28/2009

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California law requires anyone conducting a prepaid rental listing services to be licensed by the Bureau of Real Estate with a Prepaid Rental Listing Service (PRLS).  A real estate broker’s license will also satisfy this requirement. Anyone licensed to conduct such business, unless licensed as a real estate broker, must also maintain a bond in the amount of $10,000 for each location. You may check the status of a real estate broker  licensee by writing to BRE, 1651 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95815, by calling 1-877-373-4542, faxing 916-227263-8943, or visit their website at To verify licensing as a Prepaid Rental Listing Service visit to view a current active list of PRLS licensees.

For businesses outside of CA, please check with the appropriate agency.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

Complaints against rental listing services allege that the properties advertised do not exist or that the listings are not current and the properties were already rented were never for rent or authorized by the owner to be listed or do not meet the criteria of the person seeking the rental. Other allegations are that the properties listed were taken from ads in other sources such as newspapers or Internet websites. Refunds even if provided for in the contract are extremely difficult to obtain.~~California law requires companies offering rental listings to enter into a contract with you before accepting their fee from you and the contract is subject to certain requirements. First it must expire no longer than 90 days from the time you execute it. It must include besides specifically what you are seeking in a property a provision for refunding anything you paid over $50 to you if you obtain a rental elsewhere and a provision for refund if they do not provide you at least three available rentals meeting your specifications within five days after you paid your fee. It must also outline the small claims court remedy that is available to you.

Other Considerations

We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Carlos Martinez (Broker)
Edwin Martinez
Natalie Sue Rodriguez (Owner)