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No communication, no tracking #, no product recieved
First, many of the 5 star reviews on this site are suspiciously generic sounding and unnatural which makes me think the people at PrimeBuy posted most of them themselves. Now, my experience was just about as awful as it gets. I was supposed to get a tracking # after 24-48 hours which didn't happen. I called and asked for a tracking # and was told they would get me one. Two further days went by with no communication at all. I then emailed an order cancelation but got no confirmation. I waited all day for the email and got nothing so I called and told them to send me an email cancelation. I was promised one but got no communication whatsoever. I'm now going to have to file a dispute at PayPal or my credit card bank to get my $ back. These people at PrimeBuy take your $ and give you nothing but false promises and lies. Beware their free shipping and low prices as in my case it was all just a total front for what seems to be a scam operation.
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PrimeBuy.com was built on the idea of providing quality products at the most competitive prices and outstanding service.
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