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63 Elm Street
Sailsbury, MA 01952
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(978) 465-1940

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Posted on 6/21/2018

They said they couldn't give out info, turns out they use a med that they don't like to use on cats!!! Not a happy customer at all

I took my two female cats to the catmobile June 19. Was told be there for 4:45 for pick up get a call at 230 cats are ready to be picked up. Bring cats home they are breathing funny and very medicated still and not acting right at all took my cats to their vet and they put them on pain meds as well as watched them for a period of time. I looked over my paperwork and it was stamped cat never been to vet however I had a paper from my get saying they were checked over. Brought my cats to them in carriers which had their names on them however when I picked them up they had wrote on my property without my permission. They said I didn't have bedding which I did have a pad down in the carrier instead of a bacteria filled towel that they put in after surgery and put on my paperwork didn't have bedding!!! The workers on the van were very rude as well as when I called to find out what meds they use for my vet. They said they couldn't give out info, turns out they use a med that they don't like to use on cats!!! Not a happy customer at all