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Showing 1 recent review for Day To Day Imports
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Posted on 10/28/2020
Scammers, do not trust!
This company goes under many names, Won Lane being one of them. Read reviews and trust that they are even worse than their one star average. First mistake, shopping with Walmart.com second mistake, not realizing my purchase was with WonLane, aka Day to Day Imports. Package never arrived. Customer service was nonexistent, as in they do not take calls and will not respond to emails. Walmart, On Trac, the courier contracted for delivery (another company who delivers nothing but frustration), were also ignored in attempts to sort out the confusion. The two times I did speak with a person, it was the same women. The call was crystal clear until details started getting involved. Then the call started to break up as if I was making a long distance call on a child's phone to China. I thought this was a fluke the first time but the same thing happened on my second call. Totally intentional, their attempt to get the buyer to just hang up. I didn't get what I ordered (2 cat scratcher's), what I did get is a wash cloth from an insurance company. A week later, after I exhausting all resources available, I realize there are no cat scratcher's and this company is a sham. Do not trust this company.
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