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Showing 1 recent review for Disneyland Resort
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Posted on 10/17/2022
Better training for cast members on accommodating visitors with disabilities.
On Thursday Oct. 13, 2022 about 5:15 pm our group of 8 including my sister on a scooter tried to visit the haunted mansion. We explained that she needed the scooter all the way to the cars but the female cast member sent us to the guy at the exit who sent us back to her but she seemed uninterested in helping accommodate my sister and walked away. My sister stayed outside while the rest of us went in. We saw a lady in a wheelchair and another one in a scooter leaving from where she got off the cars. Why was my sister not accommodated? Unacceptable especially since cast members at other attractions did accommodate her. When I walked back to get the female cast member's name she was gone. End of shift and couldn't be bothered?
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