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Garage and Gate Master Repairs reviews

20929 Ventura Blvd, Suitr 47
Woodland Hills, CA 91364
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(800) 418-7717

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Customer Reviews

Showing 1 recent review for Garage and Gate Master Repairs

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Posted on 3/5/2019

Unprofessional. Lack customer service skills.

Installer came and advised the Ramset 1000 gate I had needed to be replaced. Gate motor replaced with another Ramset 1000 but the problem persisted. Advised the photo sensor eye needed replacing. System only worked short of two months. Contacted Michelle of the issues, needless to say, she fell to correct the problem. It is disturbing the a business owner is only personable when they want you money. After spending over $2500 she states there is no warranty and after paying for two previous trip charges she expects to be paid another trip charge which I feel is ridiculous because if the job had been done properly we would not have the issue that currently exist. I have had another licensed gate repair company come and advise me who states the photo eye
does not appear new and needs to be replaced. Which makes me feel there was never anything wrong with the motor, just a way of capitaling at the expense of the consumer. Deplorable.