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10645 Dixie Hwy.
Louisville, KY 40272
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(502) 937-5205

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Showing 1 recent review for Kroger

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Posted on 3/3/2021

The places where we receive meds should not be like a torturous visit to the DMV

I switched Kroger pharmacy because it was more affordable than Walgreens, but then you have to question how valuable is your time? I haven't been there to pick up a prescription when it took under 40 minutes to be waited on, The drive through is never less than ten cars deep. They are completely understaffed and frequently the phone goes unanswered. Once I just tried to see how long I would be put on hold, up to 20 minutes before the line simply disconnected. I know healthcare sucks in general, but the places where we receive meds (which can endanger the lives of the people taking them) should not be like a torturous visit to the DMV. People and the workers deserve much better. It should never have to be a carved out hour or two from someone's day to simply pick up your meds. I have to go there for financial reasons, but I shouldn't be made to wait so long I need a chair, a drink, and a magazine just to get through my med pickup.