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Showing 2 recent reviews for LoanOfficerSchool.com
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Posted on 9/6/2023
No support to email or phone calls
I started my PE class on 9-1-23. I watched the how to video, read the pdf's sent on how the training works. Training was very simple, no frills, boring, 2-3 minutes of audio, then you have to read the slides which advance on their own. I get to the 5th section and the the 1st slide after the audio is blank, no writing on it and it's set to run for 2 hrs and 46 minutes and there is no way to advance because "NMLS" mandates the run time of the slides per their only response. Really? 2 hrs and 46 minutes for one slide? Really? Are you paying attention to my email? Did you see all my screen shots? I included them in my email. 21 minutes later, still nothing. Never got a response from my Saturday email as of Tuesday that ever addressed the issue and the screen shots. I've now been told I'm getting a refund. Not impressed and unprofessional.
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Posted on 8/20/2022
No support. Instruction outdated. Instructions that were outdated and were not clear.
Loan Officer School is clearly BOGUS! The instructions to sign in and navigate though class were given the day before class. The instructions were not accurate and had not been updated. I was given a video to watch so that I could sign in and navigate through class. The video was outdated. I emailed the instructor for help. He blew me off. On day 2 I received an email with more instructions that were different from the original instructions and the original video. The Instructor was not present. I emailed him this morning. He did not email me back. I am signing up with another school to get my hours. I have emailed Loan Officer School and have asked for a full refund. I have not heard back from them. I will file a complaint if I do NOT hear back and receive my refund.
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