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Showing 3 recent reviews for Loggerhead Acres Turtle Farm
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Posted on 5/18/2024
Turtles purchased
I purchased many turtles from John in the past and always recieved them on time and in wonderful condition! I highly recommend his services
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Posted on 9/11/2014
Great Service!
I pre ordered a baby alligator snapper ,from John Richards, at Logger Head Acres Turtle Farm. I paid $50 for the special pre order price which is cheaper than the full price, and I paid for shipping almost 4 weeks later,which is when the finally hatched. I was having a little trouble with the website not showing me where to pay for shipping, but it finally did. I would email him frequently asking any questions or concerns I had and he answered every one of them nicely and he wasn't rude about anything. I paid for shipping, which for overnight was $48, for my turtle on a Friday evening and it was shipped out on Monday night and got to me around 10:30 am Tuesday morning. I've had the little fella, which is now named Protostega, for almost a week and he is flourishing! I plan on purchasing from, John Richards at www.turtleman.com, in the future.
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