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14 East 33rd Street
New York, NY 10016-5013
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(212) 685-6275

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Showing 1 recent review for Maya Lounge

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Posted on 6/24/2024

Accommodate customers!

My girls and I visited maya lounge for the very first time. Upon arrival we placed an order for drinks. Almost immediately we were told if no hooka is ordered we won't be served. We drove all the way from the Long Island just to be told we won't be served that's truly disgusting. Spoke to the manager and he told him we were only going to sit in for a few and reiterated we won't be served if no hooka is ordered it's the policy. WORD OF ADVISE TO THE OWNERS: you guys are trying too hard to become millionaires overnight. Not going to happen with this atrocious service. I respect what you are trying to do from a business standpoint but don't turn away first time customers just because they didn't know the rules and rudely turn them away. Accommodate the customer. Accommodate customers.