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720 Olive Street, Suite 2500
Saint Louis, MO 63101
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(314) 621-3400

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Showing 1 recent review for McCormack Baron Salazar

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Posted on 10/23/2021

Bad company who hires people with criminal records, gives residents a second apartments after they trash first ones...

This company which i have recordings , since they have still refused to make things right with me which they raised my rent illegally 3 times in a 12 month lease in 2018 and one huge amount in 2019 of 132.00 which was ordered to pay back but never did.. I hired Legal aid of Nebraska to help me fix but because of the damages done by them and my family and since i exposed Denise Hammer on my you tube and other social media and others. I had a recent conversation with Laura Bliss which also knew the damage that a former resident Laura Stephenson caused over 30,000 damages to both her apartments and a garage which also broke into other resident apartments and stole items and i also told a police officer when i starting going after my family who stole money from my SSDI, Lied on DHHS forms and my 2009 taxes which also exposed on my videos, and socail media which also refuse to send me the documents i requested and money they owe. There was a time when i witnessed Laura Stephenson in her second apartment with Becca Anderson who was also favored by Denise Hammer who got a second apartment after she trashed her first one along with others.. I saw Stephenson dump random illegal pills on her dirty carpet which one time she gave some to another former resident Kim who use to live in my Building who died from heart complications... Ever since i been at my apartment for over 5 years not once have i ever trashed my apartment and i never done over 30,000 damages like the residents that Denise Hammer favored and What deal Laura Bliss and one other made with D102 back in 2017 to 2018 when i lead Stephenson to be kicked out because of her breaking in to others apartments..Also what things this company would say to try to turn tables well nothing they say about me that would make other turn heads when a bad company, former resident involved murder to another resident, harass others when another died and she lied to an Aunt order to get his belonging to sell for illegal drugs... It's not slander if it's TRUE...