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Showing 1 recent review for Montage Designs, Inc.
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Posted on 2/15/2016
Talented but Unreliable
I think Rod is incredibly talented and his portfolio is amazing. However, he failed me with my mid century modern design. A project that was supposed to take 3 months ended up taking 9 months. I was only redecorating one room. Because Rod felt it was most cost effective to have my furniture made that is the route we took. When the first piece of furniture showed up (in a timely manner)the couch was done wrong. It was too big for the space and they forgot to put the buttons on it. So Rod took it back. 3 months go by. Rod does not communicate. I email him and I phone him and he only reponds weeks later to my email. This is how the whole project went. Half way through, Rod didn't even show up when the items arrived. He did not call to see how things were going. I was unable to get ahold of him. At the very end I did not receive 3 pieces of furniture. My last email to him went unanswered. He basically left the project half finished. I was very disappointed.
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