(651) 330-0686
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Showing 1 recent review for Rockstar Automotive
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Posted on 7/6/2018
I also spoke with owner of company(Osman) he said they had problems with the same lady
To Whom it concern I Went into the car lot to purchase a 2004 Monte Carlo Ss. The man I was working with name Joe He told me that i couldn't drive off the lot unless it had Ins. He said that they work with someone who works for Progressive & if mines too high she can help me... I went through her & been having real problems ever since. I found out that the lady(Brittany) that he said does ins for them is a fraud ... I also had to file a conciliation on her for the money i gave her.... When I called Joe & explained this to him he started getting upset with me & i didn't & still don't get why he mad with me... So he has me thinking he knew what type of person she is ... I got my. Money back for car & I'm not going to deal with that car place. I also spoke with owner of company(Osman) he said they had problems with the same lady(Brittany) before so i don't understand why Joe would even want me to deal with her(Brittany).... Thank you
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