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Showing 1 recent review for The Plaza Food Hall

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Posted on 6/25/2018

They have Male Bathroom Attendants cleaning the Women's Restroom and have Women cleaning the Men's Restroom.

My complaint against this company is that they have Male Bathroom Attendants cleaning the Women's Restroom and have Women cleaning the Men's Restroom. I have seen this at least 3 times already. The men do not close the Women's Restroom while they clean it, nor do they step out when Women and children are inside. My husband also had the experience with a Female Bathroom Attendant cleaning the restroom while he and other men were urinating and using the restroom. He felt very uncomfortable as did others as well. She should NOT be in there with the men anymore than he should be in with the women and children. I spoke to the front desk manager about this yesterday. She agreed that it was inappropriate. Yet he was in there again today. This business is too lenient with their Restroom Regulations. There have also been times when little girls were taken in to the Men's Room and Men were urinating right there. None of this is right . These are issues that need to be addressed immediately. I want this business to know that there needs to be safety boundaries. Under no circumstances it it okay for persons of the opposite sex to be present and/or cleaning restrooms of the opposite sex while they are in use. They need to be shut down while being cleaned or be cleaned by a person of the same sex. Men with men, Women with women. No little girls in Men's Restrooms. There is too much going on and too much to see. Thank you.