(423) 900-8090
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Showing 1 recent review for Tint World
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Posted on 1/6/2020
Written apology and compensated for wasting my time.
The tint world in Kingsport Tennessee provided the most disturbing experience I have ever experienced. I had a 9:30 appt. showed up at 8:45. The rep assisted me, filled out paperwork and said it would be 1.5-2 hours. My wife called at noon to find out they just started. I call to inquire why the delay and see what happened. Then is gets ugly! The owner gets on the phone and showed a complete lack of empathy. We starting cussing me...yes cussing me stating I cussed him, which didn't happen. He said " listen m$ther f***** bring you big a** down here and pick up your piece of s*** Volvo" (which is new and just purchased) He continued to threaten me by informing me "I will be waiting for you big boy mother f****" Total lack of professionalism and a complete absence of emotional intelligence. Never in 40 years of business have a seen someone act this way especially a franchise owner. I partner with franchise owners everyday for a profession and never experienced this or would accept this type of behavior from an owner. Steer clear of this place. They use insults, intimidation and threats to new clients.
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