(760) 757-9303
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Showing 1 recent review for Topstyles Hair Design
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Posted on 7/15/2020
I made an appointment for Sister Lula Henry, she's 96 years old. After 2 weeks of waiting finally came to Topstyle Hair Design , but then they saying she don't find Lula Henry name on the appointment book and that they do not have an appointment book. So it was the receptionist Carmen to set up an appointment and confirm it. Now Topsytle saying no appointment and refuse to see her or even re-schedule appointment for 96 years old Lula Henry. They were very rude and now even Carmen who the receptionist saying oh well!!! Instead of apologizing to customers they saying they do not care because sooner or later they will close down the store anyway. Business like Topstyle Hair Design should be in the business unless they all go to class how to treat customers...especially and elderly person. Can you imagine how many people got treated like crap going to Topstyle Hair Design. Bad service, liars and very rude workers .They don't deserve to be license for business. Amen.
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