(814) 701-6136
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Showing 1 recent review for Young's Loyal Hands Homecare
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Posted on 11/19/2021
I would like this business to fire Taylor. I am very worried, that you would put more patients life at risk.
After my grandmother had got out from the hospital, I hired this company, 4 days a week 3 hours at a time. I was with my grandmother when the aid was supposed to come. The aid Taylor, was not there. I called the owner Sheree Young, she had told me that she was there that day walked her down the hallway and did her laundry. I was there the entire day and she was not. This is malpractice and negligence. I'm in the process of bringing every time she visited my grand mom and compared to when she got paid. When a CNA or an aid says that they are with a patient, and they are not, it puts patients life at risk. I fire the company, I have all the text with the proof if needed. Companies should not be hiring medical personnel, that steals from the elderly!!!
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