129 inquiries | Skin Care Products Retail
(909) 930-3060
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Complainants generally allege that the company failed to respond to telephone calls or correspondence regarding cancellation or billing. Some complained that despite cancelling they continued to receive charges. Others complained that they did not realize that by ordering the free trial offer that they would be obligated to subsequent shipments.The company responds to some complaints by stating that after the first auto-shipment has been processed they can cancel from the program before the next shipment is due and that they do cancel customers from their our auto-shipment program once their obligation for that first auto-shipment had been met. The company also responds by offering to provide refunds for unused product, less shipping and handling.
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This company's business is providing the retail sale of wrinkle cream product via the internet.
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This company offers a "free treatment" of their anti-aging cream known as Time Factor. Respondents are required to pay a processing approval and handling fee of $3.95 and are asked for credit card numbers to cover the charge. Further website disclosures explain that by agreeing to their free treatment offer, consumers are enrolling in an autoship program and authorizing the company to ship a two month supply of their product for a fee of $89.95 plus $16.95 shipping and handling. Consumers may only cancel after receiving the first autoship by contacting the company at least 30 days before the next autoship is scheduled to be delivered. Failure to cancel will result in another charge of $106.90 on their credit card, and another two month shipment of the product, to be shipped and billed on a bi-monthly basis until cancellation occurs. Careful reading of the terms of the agreement indicate that the original $3.95 charge and all other shipping costs are not refundable. Consumers may contact the company and return the un-opened product for a refund of the product price only. We urge consumers not to respond to this company's offer.Although the company's website make cancellation procedures appear fast and easy, in reality customers report that cancellation requests are ignored, calls are not returned, credit cards continue to be charged, and unwanted product shipments continue to arrive. This company's free treatment is conditional upon accepting their offer for additional product. FTC Guidelines for advertising this type of offer require that all terms and conditions of the offer, as well as cancellation instructions, be clearly and conspicuously displayed in at least 10 point type before asking for payment or obtaining the customer's consent. Clearly and conspicuously means, NOT disclosed in microscopic print accessed by a weblink to another site, but rather, disclosed along with the free trial solicitation . Regardless, many consumers overlook the advisory, and are unaware of the charge until their next monthly credit card statement. In this company's case, consumers complain they are unable to cancel services by using the instruction provided by the company. Even worse, they are unable to contact the company at all. Emails are not returned or acknowledged, and calls are not returned. Industry guidelines require marketers to provide a fast easy method of canceling, either by mail, phone, or website, Failure to do so may be a violation of consumer protection laws.Most credit card issuers will allow the cardholder 60 days to dispute an unauthorized or inaccurate charge. Review your monthly statement carefully. If you discover a charge which is unfamiliar, investigate and dispute the amount with your card issuer as soon as possible to protect yourself from making unwanted purchases.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
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Websites:There are no additional web sites.
Contacts:There are no additional contacts.
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