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Universal Banner Network, Inc.

  152 inquiries |
Franchise Promotions Business Opportunities |   Business Alert

1600 Naomi Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90021
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(800) 845-7413

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

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Complaints and Resolutions

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Buyers allege unfullfilled contracts, misrepresentation of the offer, and inability to obtain refunds. Some buyers complain that the company fails to register their domain name, or that web stores are not operational for extended periods after fees are paid. Most complainants report difficulty contacting the company for technical support, order status, or other service issues. Several complainants report that drop shipped items purchased by their customers are delivered damaged, incorrect items are delivered, or that items advertised as new are actually "used" or not new. .

The company responds to most complaints by directing complainants to call a customer servcie number,and by refusing refunds and advising buyers they had fullfilled their contractural obligations. In some cases they've issued refunds.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Universal Banner Network, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is providing a business opportunity in online store front services.

Primary Contact: Olga Reznak (President)
Business Started: 7/21/1999

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis offers a two-tier turnkey internet store, which they claim will allow anyone with little or no experience to create and operate their own Internet Business with minimal expense. The price of the store offer is $49 annually, and a one time processing fee of $15. Buyers are advised that stores open immediately upon payment, and the package includes, a fully stocked Shopping Mall, Store Layout customizations, ability to discount products, Affiliate Program, Classified Listings, Community Resource Area and Banner/Button rotation software.

Services by the seller include, hosting, developing and maintaining software, payment processing, merchandising, warehousing, shipping and customer service. This company offers a business opportunity to open an online virtual store for a one time setup fee of $64

Buyers of this offer should take into consideration that routing potential customers to your website will ultimately be a determining factor on the success of your business. Make sure you read and understand the entire plan. Ask how customers will be routed to your website, or if you are responsible for additional advertising costs. Since your store will be operated on a drop ship delivery system, you will have little or no control if deliveries are delayed, or incorrect or damaged items are shipped. Find out exactly what provisions are included in your contract which disclose what obligations the shipper has to you when returns or refunds become necessary.

Other Considerations

We routinely advise new business owners, that getting a new business up and running requires certain management skills and personality traits. If your career goal is to be your own boss, consider the following: To start a business you will need to choose or create a business idea. While this is an obvious step, many people who want their own business don’t have an idea, just the desire to be an entrepreneur. There are many options, such as, buying a franchise or an existing business, or asking others for ideas.

Your next step should be to develop a business plan. A successful business plan is realistic, factual and objective, presenting your goals in measurable and attainable terms. It will help you to focus on critical issues and questions to help your business thrive and grow. Ask lots of questions and be sure you come up with satisfactory answers, such as, what type of business do you want to own? Who are your principal competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Where will you locate your business? Who are the potential customers for your product or service? How will you market to potential customers?

Find and consult with qualified professionals - real estate agents, lawyers, accountants, public relations experts and consultants - to help you make the best decision. Ask other business owners for referrals. Contact the Better Business Bureau for a reliability report on any company you are considering using. Even if you have a great deal of experience in the line of work you’re considering, don’t expect to know all there is about running a business. Good advice may be the difference between success and failure.

Be prepared to invest some of your own money into the business. However, there are sources out there that can provide some help, such as banks, the Small Business Administration, venture capitalists and private individuals. Before applying for financing, carefully prepare a thorough, well-thought-out loan proposal. Write out detailed figures on the capital needed, and be sure to include a salary for yourself and sufficient funds to cover start-up costs. Be wary of any advertisements or loan brokers charging advance fees for the mere promise of a loan. Check the company out with the Better Business Bureau, before doing business.

For tax and legal reasons, you'll need to decide what form your business will take. Generally, all businesses fall into one of these broad categories: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, S corporation or limited liability corporation. Before you decide what form you will use for your business, consult with an attorney or an accountant.

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Victoria Krins (Operations Manager)