314 inquiries | Employment Agencies
(909) 228-9006
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BCA's Summary and Analysis:
Complainants allege false advertising of employment opportunities, misrepresentation of services, and difficulty obtaining refunds. Some customers complain that no test for certification is performed. Other customers allege the company fails to provide job placement assistance as agreed. Complainants allege that job placement assistance services consist of a list of other companies who may be hiring. Respondents complain that entries on the list are outdated, or listed without authorization of the prospective employers. Most complainants request refunds.
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This company's business is providing forklift certification and Security Guard employment.
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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.
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This company advertises immediate employment for forklift operators, experience or not, earning $9 to $19 per hour plus benefits. Those who respond to the ad are advised by phone that positions are available, however they must first qualify by obtaining a forklift certification. We believe that this company's advertising is both deceptive and misleading as the company is not looking to directly hire anyone, the company only offers to certify operators for a fee.We urge caution! This company is not directly offering employment or hiring anyone. They are selling forklift certification certificates. Consumers who respond to these ads think they're contacting a bona fide placement service that's seeking candidates to fill specific jobs. Instead, they're reaching a business that rarely helps consumers get employment through its "services." These companies usually charge advance fees for services which contain no refund policies. Fees are typically imposed as a condition of employment along with false promises that most or all of the fees ultimately will be refunded. Consider whether you need additional training or education to get the job you want. It's possible that the skills you'll need can be learned "on the job." Look at employment ads for positions that you're interested in and call the employer to learn what kind of experience is important for those positions.
We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.
BCA has no information regarding advertising review at this time.
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