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9800 La Cienega Blvd., Suite 100
Inglewood, CA 90301
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(877) 778-8883

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Complaints and Resolutions

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Most complainants are independent representatives (IR's) who allege the company uses other independent representatives to recriut individuals to attend group presentations and sales meetings where high pressure sales tactics and misrepresentation is used to recruit them to invest in selling VOIP service. The IR's complain the recruiters made only vague verbal disclosures on the true nature of the offer and, implied through various means that by joining the program and paying fees, they could potentially earn substantial income. Most IR's who filed complaints requested refunds.

Other phone service customers complain of problems with the VOIP phone system, or that customer service personnel are rude or untrained.

The company responds to complaints by generally denying allegations of deceptive practices and in some cases issued refunds as requested.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Yor.Net Voice closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

This company's business is network marketing of a Voice telephone service.

Primary Contact: Rick Gascon (Technical Support Manager)
Business Started: 1/13/2006

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We know of no licensing or registration requirement for companies engaged in this company's stated type of business.

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Government Actions

BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Comments and Analysis

This company recruits students and other individuals to sell and invest in a VOIP telephone service as a home based business opportunity using a multi-level sales plan. In order to become an independent representative (IR), participants are required to pay a $50 fee which is renewable annually. Optionally, IR’s may purchase a business tool kit for an additional $100 or an eC wholesale package for $340. The company's website currently contains no disclosures or other information relating to marketing terms and conditions.

This company's principal, Dennis Wong, previously operated, Mall Ventures, Inc., (dba 2 by, which was the subject of an FTC action resulting in an Order for permanent injunction in January of 2004. The settlement with Mall Ventures and its co-founders Jeffrey P. Morgan and Dennis Wong barred them from participating in any prohibited marketing scheme, including any business that operates as a pyramid scheme. It also barred them from misrepresenting the potential or likely earnings or income from any business venture, the benefits any participant can expect, and assisting others to make misleading claims. They are required to provide upfront disclosures about actual earnings and prohibited from erecting unreasonable barriers to investors who want refunds. A separate report is available upon request.

This company's marketing materials clearly disclose that 72.9% of all IR's fail to earn any money, and the average income earned by all IR's as of September 2007 is $196.62.

We urge caution. Although there are some legitimate multi-level sales companies, many similar companies engage in pyramid marketing tactics. We urge caution if you are pressured into purchasing additional kits or equipment such as phone adaptors, etc. You should also be concerned if the focus of the business appears to be on recruitment rather than product sales.

Make sure you are aware of the differences. A legitimate multi level plan encourages successful distributors to recruit and train a sales force, but the distributor must also assume ongoing wholesaling and managing responsibilities as well as, selling to their own retail customers. Emphasis should be placed on selling the product or services offered as a means to earn money, not recruiting others. In an illegal pyramid, the recruits on the bottom level pay money to a few people at the top. They generally do not publicly advertise their offer, but instead rely on word of mouth recruitment of new affiliates. They may hold recruitment meetings where they create a frenzied and enthusiastic atmosphere, where group pressure and promises of easy money prey on people's greed and fear of missing out on a good deal. Some pyramids are easily recognizable and are as simple as a chain letter. Others are very sophisticated, and disguised to look like legitimate multi-level marketing companies to fool investors and law enforcement. As their disguise, they may take on a line of products or a service and claim to be in the business of selling to consumers. When in reality, the real money comes from recruiting and not from marketing the products. Recruits themselves run a significant risk of arrest and fines by authorities for participating or promoting such offers.

Other Considerations

The term VOIP, (Voice over Internet Protocol,) is a voice messaging technology that enables voice messages to be sent via the Internet, often simultaneously with data in text or other forms. The service claims to offer customers a soft dialer that can be downloaded instantly, along with a Broadband phone adapter device that connects any regular home phone (even a cordless one) to your broadband Internet connection. The adapter converts analog speech to data packets that can be sent over the Internet using your existing telephone, router, and broadband Internet connection to make and receive calls without using your computer. (Your computer is required only to access enhanced features and account information). There is no charge to the user for long distance or local calls. Unlimited US /Canadian calls are advertised at $22.95 per month.

It appears that all sales representatives recruited by the company are required to purchase a subscription to the VOIP service. Buyers should be aware, that the service is sold with a "No Refund Policy."

According to website disclosures, the "Provider reserves the right to cancel your Service for any reason without prior notice. Pre-paid service is non-refundable. Provider will not refund any monthly service fees, or remaining balances in your prepaid account. Furthermore Provider will not refund any hardware purchase costs, including shipping or handling fees. Cancellations are defined as a cancellation of the automatic renewal of the account and are not a termination of any prepaid period. You must notify Provider via telephone or in writing to cancel Service. Cancellations shall not be honored by electronic mail. Provider may, at its sole discretion, allow for a pro-rated refund of unused annual service fees, after the collection of a cancellation fee. "

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Dennis Wong (Founder)
Roy Mananquil
Hilda Rosas